About Us


Launtz Rodgers, 1994



The Naval ROTC Alumni Foundation shall cultivate Alumni fellowship, solicit their financial support for Alumni and Unit activities as determined by the Board of Directors, and encourage Alumni to participate in Foundation and Unit functions.


The Naval ROTC Alumni Foundation plays a vital role in nurturing the professional development of members of the battalion at UT's Naval ROTC Unit and fosters camaraderie for its Alumni. We will exercise leadership, guidance, and resources to promote our heritage values and interests in meeting tomorrow's challenges and opportunities.

Guiding Principles

  • We shall instill in our Alumni a sense of pride and belonging.
  • We view our Alumni and midshipmen as our highest priorities.
  • We shall inculcate our values through mentoring and leadership
  • We believe our people remain the best source for innovative ideas.


The Alumni Foundation Board of Directors meets roughly once per quarter in the offices of the NROTC Unit on the UT campus. . These meetings are open to all the alumni from the unit, present and past staff and faculty members, and supporters of the Alumni Foundation. Highlights from past meetings are typically outlined in our newsletters. Representatives of the Alumni Foundation are identified below. All serve without compensation and will be pleased to answer any of your questions.


Our work is made possible through generous donations from those who care about the NROTC's mission. Click the button below to learn about donation options. We appreciate your support.