The Official Website of the UT NROTC Alumni Association
The following excerpts from the Cactus yearbooks were taken from various sources. Space constraints prohibit any higher resolution. and have collections of Cactus yearbooks up to 1990.
Higher resolution pages can be obtained on either of those sites by subscribing to their service. Those of you who would like to donate scanned images of later yearbooks, please write to the webmaster for instructions.
Finding NROTC-related pages in each yearbook is tedious and there is no correlation between the printed page numbers and the page number assigned to the scanned image at However, for those who wish to subscribe to that site we are keeping track of the page correlations there. No such list has been provided yet for
To see excerpts from the year you desire, point to the yearbook cover and click. The files are pdf files and can be read with Adobe Reader. The free Adobe Reader can be downloaded here.
© 2025 UT NROTC Alumni Foundation at The University of Texas,